Amatus Recovery Centers COO Michael Silberman, Midwest Recovery Center Director of Client relations Rob Schilder, and Midwest Recovery Center client Ezra Baden appeared on WJZ-13 News to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people’s addictions, and the way they reach out. Vic Carter: “Research shows more than 20 million Americans are battling a substance abuse problem. And for those in recovery right now the Coronavirus has presented new challenges to stay sober. Amy Kawata spoke with one of those people on the path to recovery along with experts.” Ezra Baden: “Definitely started the old gateway drug when I was about 13 years old with my buddies and you know, eventually after using, after smoking marijuana you you start searching for that or hi and I was able to find it through pills.” Amy Kawata: “20 year old Ezra Baden from Rockford Ohio is in recovery and has been sober for a little over a month now.” Ezra Baden: “I think it’s important to stay active in early inquiry, even in later recovery that boredom is a very strong trigger. It will take you to dark places.” Amy Kawata: “For those in recovery, isolation and may be the last thing they want to be faced with. Add general anxiety surrounding a virus into the mix and addiction avoidance becomes even more difficult.” Michael Silberman, COO, Amatus Recovery Centers: “A lot of mental health problems are spiking up being on with families all the time can be stressful. There’s a lot of financial trouble right now people are losing their jobs…” Amy Kawata: “That’s why experts say having a support group is key.” Ezra Baden: “We suffer alone but we recover together.” Amy Kawata: “Substance abuse was an epidemic long before COVID-19 and will likely be with us long after.” Ezra Baden: “The Coronavirus is not gonna affect my recovery. I’m more scared of my addiction than the Coronavirus to be honest.” Amy Kawata: “At Amatus Recovery Center, many services are now offered through telehealth instead. But their doors remain open for new clients.” Michael Silberman, COO, Amatus Recovery Centers: “So we see an 18% increase in admissions…” Amy Kawata: “While counselors and clinicians work around the clock to make sure those struggling with addiction stay on the right path to recovery…” Robert Schilder, Director of Client Relations, Amatus Recovery Centers: “If we can’t get to a meeting every day, and we can’t have access to that recovery support service, then we need to ramp up our reading, and ramp up our meditation, and ramp up our holistic approach to recovery as well.” Amy Kawata: “Those in recovery say it’s so important right now to not let social distancing create isolation.” Ezra Baden: “I’ll hope to god that this Coronavirus gets taken care of soon but this my addiction is something that I cannot put on the side. You know, it’s not how it works. I have to be focused on this 24/7 and I’ll have to be focused on it for the rest of my life.”
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